Monday, July 11, 2011

Relief Society Meeting- July-2011, continuation:" Spiritual Development and It's Role in Missionary Work"

Date: Tuesday - July 26th
Time: 6:30 pm
Topic: Continuation of "Spiritual development and it's role in missionary work"

We will be doing a quick re-cap of what we had during the last meeting.
We will see who increased their number of missionary moments and tried new ways of sharing the gospel.

We will proceed to discussing "Spiritual Development" and it's role in the development of successful missionaries. We will study past and current leaders of the church and how spiritual development played a role in their lives.

Please sign up to bring a dish, dessert or salad for that evening.
The food item sign up sheet is in the Relief Society room on the front table.

Hope to see you there...
If anyone is in need of missionary tools and unable to buy them, please let me know. I'd hate to see the work delayed... Love you all, Sister McDavid

Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration